Each semester, the First-Year Writing program invites program faculty to nominate student writers whose work shines for features like idea development, critical thinking, organization, voice, creativity, language use, and writing and research processes. A faculty panel reviewed the nominated works and selected eleven pieces reflecting a variety of genres, including Narrative, Profile Writing, and Research Argument. This semester’s selections represent writers enrolled in ENGL 10300 The Essay; ENGL 11100 College Writing 1; and ENGL 11200 College Writing 2. We hope you enjoy meeting these writers and listening to their voices and ideas through their written work!
Batule Alzoubi
“The Chaos and Enlightenment That Took Place in the Fall of 2021”
College Writing 1 – Dr. Jen Consilio
Josh Brown
“Teaching to Take the Solo”
College Writing 1 – Dr. Jen Consilio
Adrian Garcia
“My Passion for Aviation”
The Essay – Professor Therese Jones
Kendra Jackson
“Kendra’s Wings”
College Writing 1 – Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido
Helen Krueger
“The Floor is Yours”
College Writing 1 – Dr. Jen Consilio
Gabriella Laluz
“Reading is a Passport to New Adventures”
College Writing 1 – Professor Therese Jones
Sarah Meisinger
“Practice, Persistence, and Patience”
College Writing 1 – Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido
Alexis Pragides
“The Addictive Design of Smartphones”
College Writing 2 – Dr. Jordan Canzonetta
Jacob Rodriguez
College Writing 1 – Dr. Jen Consilio
Alayna Soukup
“Overcoming Obstacles and Creating Solutions: Working to Find a Calling as a College Student-Athlete”
College Writing 2 – Dr. Sheila Kennedy
Cody Sterrett
“The Past, The Future, and Everything In Between”
College Writing 1 – Dr. Pramod Mishra
Additional Showcase Nominees
- Pamela Castro Bustos, (Dr. Pramod Mishra)
- Ryan Dodson, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
- Jaden Doran, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
- Tyler Durkin, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
- Alexander Falco-Sonnenberg, (Dr. Sheila Kennedy)
- Florianne Gerlak, (Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido)
- Jack Hiller, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
- Kevin Katauskas, (Prof. Therese Jones)
- Justin Meyer, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
- Emily Ramos, (Dr. Richard Foss)
- Madisyn Smith, (Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido)
- Samuel Smith, (Dr. Richard Foss)
- Owen Thomas, (Dr. Jen Consilio)
- Liliana Wielgus, (Dr. Wallace Ross)
- Daniel Zambrano, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
Thank You
Thank you to all of our writers for creating and sharing their work. And thank you to all who directly support our first-year writers: our instructors, the Writing Center staff, and the Library Research instructors. We appreciate all you do to support first-year writers. And many thanks to our program Graduate Assistant, Hannah Michalczak, for all her help in coordinating the Showcase process.
Congratulations to all of our nominated and selected writers. Keep writing!
Jen Consilio, Ph.D.
Professor of English Studies
Director of the First-Year Writing Program
"Write, and your world
will explode with meaning."
--Donald M. Murray