Each semester, the First-Year Writing program invites program faculty to nominate student writers whose work shines for features like idea development, critical thinking, organization, voice, creativity, language use, and writing and research processes. A faculty panel reviewed the nominated works and selected thirteen pieces reflecting a variety of genres, including Narrative, Profile Writing, and Research Argument. This semester’s selections represent writers enrolled in ENGL 11100 College Writing 1; and ENGL 11200 College Writing 2. We hope you enjoy meeting these writers and listening to their voices and ideas through their written work!
Julianne Bordick
“The Therapy of Art"
 College Writing 1 - Dr. Jen Consilio
Maylani Castro
“Tik Tik Boom: Inmates Waiting on Nothing but Their Thoughts”
College Writing 1 - Prof. Steve Blythe
 Sofia Haro
"A path to relearning"
College Writing 1 - Dr. Jen Consilio
Miracle Huckabee
"ChatGPT Will Change the Platform of +action”
College Writing 2 - Dr. Tom McNamara
Izabella Ibarro
"One Last Rager Before COVID”
College Writing 1 - Dr. Pramod Mishra
Bryce Ilano
"The Current Condition of the Illinois Nurse”
College Writing 2- Dr. Jordan Canzonetta
Selena Mercado
College Writing 1 - Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido
Julisa Porcayo
“Why Sign Language is Also Important for Language Development”
College Writing 1 - Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido
Denisse Preece
“My ongoing journey of literacy”
College Writing 1 - Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido
Olivia Sawickis
"The Weight of Wings"
College Writing 1 - Dr. Jen Consilio
Sebastian Stoerzer
“Mental Health in the Field of Aviation”
College Writing 2 - Dr. Jordan Canzonetta
Additional Showcase Nominees
- Abraham Christian, (Prof. Michelle Lorenzen)
- Joshua Faulstroh, (Prof. Michelle Lorenzen)
- Mukhabbat Fayzullaeva, (Prof. Therese Jones)
- Hayden Forthman, (Prof. Michelle Lorenzen)
- Alexander Hill, (Prof. Michelle Lorenzen)
- Dylan Hines, (Dr. Tom McNamara)
- Cynthia Lopez, (Dr. Jen Consilio)
- Lucy Malek, (Prof. Michelle Lorenzen)
- Drew Orr, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
- Victoria Pindelski, (Prof. Michelle Lorenzen)
- Christian Roman, (Prof. Therese Jones)
- Madison Sea-Macak, (Prof. Michelle Lorenzen)
- Jarrett Schiedemeyer, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
- Hannah Turro, (Dr. Jen Consilio)
- Kacper Zalewski, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
- Macy Zeglis, (Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido)
Thank You
Thank you to all of our writers for creating and sharing their work. And thank you to all who directly support our first-year writers: our instructors, the Writing Center staff, and the Library Research instructors. We appreciate all you do to support first-year writers. And many thanks to our program Graduate Assistant, Michelle Lorenzen, for all her help in coordinating the Showcase process.
Congratulations to all of our nominated and selected writers. Keep writing!
Jen Consilio, Ph.D.
Professor of English Studies
Director of the First-Year Writing Program
"Write, and your world
will explode with meaning."
--Donald M. Murray